Vyacheslav Frolov Driver Download For Windows

DiskSpd is a utility for generating a load on a disk system and measuring its performance.

Download DiskSpd can be on the links:


Operating System Driver Provider Driver Version; Download Driver: Windows XP (64 bit) Vyacheslav Frolov: (1/25/2011) Download Driver: Windows Server 2003 (64 bit). INSTALLING NOTE (x64-based Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008/Windows 7/8): The com0com.sys is a test-signed kernel-mode driver that will not load by default. To enable test signing, enter command: bcdedit.exe -set TESTSIGNING ON and reboot the computer. NOTE: Enabling test signing will impair computer security.

After downloading, we place the exe utility file in any directory and run the test from the command line, for example:

Vyacheslav frolov driver download for windows xp

Vyacheslav Frolov Driver Download For Windows 10

When the test is completed, the results will be written to the DiskSpeedResults.txt file, and iotest.dat can be deleted:

Vyacheslav Frolov Driver Download For Windows

I will describe some of the launch options:

-b (block size, can be specified as K/M/G, for example, -b8K means block size is 8 KB).
-d (test duration in seconds).
-o (queue depth)
-t (threads, worker threads for the target test file).
-h (disabling software caching at the operating system level and hardware write caching).
-r (random test, if not specified, it will be sequential).
-w (write percent, for example -w25 means 25% write and 75% read).
-Z (the size of the buffer of the recording source of the test load, specified as K/M/G. Used to provide random data for recording.
-L (receive information about the delay during the test).
-c (specifying the size of the file to be created for the test, for example -c20G means that iotest.dat file will be created with a size of 20GB).

Vyacheslav Frolov Driver Download For Windows 7

See also my article:
Test iops using fio